Perfect Health Visualization

Experts in the field of health and wellness have encouraged you to eat a balanced diet, get an adequate amount of sleep, exercise regularly and visit your health care professional at least once a year. Today we are realizing that one critical element is missing from this multi-faceted approach – your mind. Scientific studies and real-life examples abound demonstrating the amazing ability of the mind to influence health and healing.

Use the visualization below periodically to incorporate your mind into your wellness regimen. And be sure to share it with others who are battling an illness/disease or who are striving to live a healthier life.

Instructions for best results:

  1. Find a quiet, peaceful location

  2. Sit comfortably, yet attentively, with your eyes closed

  3. Begin by focusing on your breath for 5-10 deep breaths

  4. Play the visualization recording

  5. As you are listening, clearly and confidently imagine exactly what is being described happening to your body. Keep positive thoughts and feelings throughout the entire exercise

  6. Throughout the day, periodically repeat silently to yourself the centering thought – “I am Perfect Health”

Bolster your health

Keep disease at bay

Improve your overall well-being

Less than 10-minutes a day

Interested in creating your own visualization to overcome the health challenge you currently face? Join us for the next session of our Mind Body Medicine for Healing Program.

Tom Klisiewiczsmart-monthly