Check Your Confidence, Check Your Phone

Your body language is a distinct communicator of confidence, or lack of confidence, to not only your opponents but even more importantly to yourself.

An open posture helps to increase confidence and as a result, performance.

Some of the keys to confidence-inducing body language are to:

  • Hold your head up

  • Smile

  • Throw your shoulders back and lower them

  • Stand up straight

  • Suck in your gut and squeeze your butt

This can be hard to remember to do so one way to remember to do it is to pair it with something you do frequently throughout the day. A great example of this is picking up your phone to check it.

To build the habit of displaying confident body language, make it a requirement that every time you have the desire to pick up your phone and check it…

  1. Pause

  2. Create that confident posture with your body

    • Hold your head up

    • Smile

    • Throw your shoulders back and lower them

    • Stand (or sit) up straight

    • Suck in your gut and squeeze your butt

  3. Pick up your phone to check it

Continue to do this each and every day until this confident posture is natural and automatic to you. It shouldn’t take very long since one study found that the average person checks their phone 96 times per day!

If you are practicing this technique each day 96 times – you can be assured this confident posture will very soon becomes natural and automatic to you.

So, the next time you are about to check your phone…

Check your Confidence - and then - Check your Phone

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