Why Depression is Causing Nurses to Leave the Profession

This article, Why Depression is Causing Nurses to Leave the Profession, has some rather disturbing statistics including..

  • “In survey done by the RN Network, they found over 50% of nurses were thinking about leaving the profession because of burnout.”

  • “According to research done by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, more than 18% of hospital employed nurses exhibit signs of depression. That is more than double the rate of the general population.”

  • “Studies show depressed nurses make more errors, have a higher incidence of chronic illness, obesity and are at increased risk for having cancer and cardiovascular disease.”

Nurses and the Healthcare industry need to address these issues by providing the support and encouragement of self-care practices. This is a very important issue for me and is why I partnered with Meredith Brow, RN and several other experts in their fields to create the Mindful and Resilient Nurse program.

If you are a nurse, nursing student or know one, check out this comprehensive and convenient program that can give you the tools you need to build resilience and continue to thrive in the profession you love.

Tom Klisiewicznurses, depression