The Clinical Success Journal

We all know feeling confident goes a long way when dealing with patients. Yet, how do we build this confidence when the things you are experiencing during clinicals are so new and you're constantly realizing just how much you still have yet to learn?

One way to do this is through the use of a Clinical Success Journal.

This is a journal in which you record at least one thing that went well at the end of each day. The key to making this as successful as possible in building your confidence is two-fold:

1. Record at least one thing that went well each day, no matter how big or small. For the big successes - star or highlight them in some way. Examples include:

  • March 6 – Made my patient smile

  • **March 13 – Flawlessly inserted catheter in 41-year-old female patient

  • March 20 – Received compliment from another nurse on the composure I kept during the code blue.

  • Or, for those really tough days, something as simple as: March 26 – Showed up on time

2. Just prior to the start of clinicals (perhaps in the car before going into the hospital) read through a few of the items in your journal that are starred/highlighted. After reading each one, close your eyes and relive that moment in as much detail as possible. Experience what you heard, saw, touched and the emotions you felt in that moment.

Pass It On

If you know of a nursing student or faculty member who could benefit from these self-care and resiliency building tips, please forward this on to them so they can sign up here for the free Mindful and Resilient Nurse monthly tip.

Want to Learn More?

If you found this tip valuable and are looking for further options to build your resilience, or that of your nursing students, please consider our Mindful and Resilient Nurse Program. Feel free to contact us to discuss how this program can be seamlessly weaved into your curriculum or simply be another resource you provide to your stressed-out students.

Tom Klisiewicznurses