Paint a Picture in Your Mind...and on Paper

Whether you are a professional artist or draw like…well me (see above), here is a great exercise to keep your mind on your goal, thereby increasing the chances of achieving it.

Begin by thinking of the location you will be in when you achieve that goal. It may be on the field, track, diamond, court or at an award ceremony.

Once you have this place in mind, close your eyes and vividly imagine it for the next several minutes, paying attention to…

  • What you see - look around that place and notice everything - objects, people, colors…

  • What you hear – people cheering, music playing, teammates celebrating…

  • What you feel physically - feet on the ground, uniform on your body, trophy in your hand…

  • What you feel emotionally - joy, excitement, relief, accomplishment…

  • Notice anything else that might be there in that place - things to taste, smell…

After several minutes of imaging that place, open your eyes, pull out a sheet of paper and draw that place using colored pencils, markers, or crayons.

Once you have this picture, hang it up in your bedroom or keep it somewhere that will allow you to see it frequently. Use this picture as a reminder of your goal. Perhaps each time you notice it, close your eyes and go back to that place - imagining all the details about it, what you see, hear, feel, taste, smell and the emotions you experience. This will help to bring that goal closer to achievement.

Pass It On

If you know of an athlete or coach who wants to improve their mental game, or that of their entire team, they can sign up here for this free Mind of a Champion monthly tip.

Want to Learn More?

If you found this tip valuable and are looking for further options to enhance your mental performance, or that of the athletes you work with, check out the details of our Mind of a Champion programs.

We can bring these programs directly to your teams or individual athletes can attend an open enrollment program. Contact us today to learn more.