My Daughter and a Rock

This month my daughter was in her first musical. She received many congratulatory gifts from family members, friends and fellow cast members. These included the usual - flowers, candy, etc. The most valuable gift of all though, was a rock that one of the directors gave her.

It was an ordinary smooth rock with the name of the show painted on one side and the year on the back, but it is how she was to use this rock that provided the value.

Her director told her that just before she is about to perform, she should hold the rock very tight in both of her hands. As she is doing that, she should channel any negative emotions and thoughts (doubt, fear, stress, nervousness, anxiety) into that rock. Once they are all out of her body and head, she should put the rock aside and head out to perform with only the positive, encouraging emotions and thoughts.

She did this and it worked perfectly!

What an excellent and effective exercise you too can do just before your next stressful event! Take a walk today to find your rock.

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