Level Up With PETTLEP

You may recall from the Mind of a Champion class that just about every elite athlete, and anyone who wants to perform at their peak, practices the art of visualization/imagery. It was so important that it was one of the main components of the Champion’s Daily Preparation.

In class you learned the basics of the technique – incorporating all your senses, making it as vivid in your mind as possible, etc. etc.

To build on that knowledge, and advance those skills, I want to introduce you to the PETTLEP Model of Imagery created by Holmes and Collins. Each letter represents one of the key components that they recommend be incorporated into your visualization practice.

To better understand each of these components, let’s take the example of someone who wants to improve their free throw shooting percentage. During the imagery practice, they should do the following:

  • Physical - Complete the imagery while standing at the free throw line, wearing their uniform, holding the basketball in their hands

  • Environment - Complete the imagery on the actual court they will be playing on.  If that is not possible beforehand, study video or pictures of the court before closing their eyes to visualize

  • Task - Mimic the exact movements in their mind of all parts of their body that will happen during that shot

  • Timing - Imagine taking the shot in real-time rather than slow motion

  • Learning - Change the imagery as they learn things that work better for them during their physical practice (i.e. their coach tells them that they need to follow-through more on the release)

  • Emotion - Feel those emotions they usually experience before taking the shot - nerves, excitement, etc.

  • Perspective - Imagine it from an internal perspective - through their own eyes.

Which of the items above could you add to enhance your visualization practice?

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