A Week of Gratitude

Try out this technique every day this week to shift your mindset to one of gratefulness and gratitude.

On Monday, take out a sheet of paper and pen. Set an alarm for 1-2 minutes. Start the clock and list as many people as you can that you are thankful for. This may be family, friends, a singer whose songs you like, an athlete who inspires you, a pet, etc. Once the timer goes off, spend a moment picking one of those people on the list and identify a few things specifically about them that makes you grateful for them. Perhaps they are great listeners, they make you laugh, etc.

On the following days this week pick another category of things you can be thankful for and brainstorm another list.

A sample week might go something like:

  • Monday: People I am thankful for

  • Tuesday: Places I am thankful for (coffee shop, forest by my home, basketball court, etc.)

  • Wednesday: Objects I am thankful for (favorite shirt, microwave, books, etc.)

  • Thursday: Experiences I am thankful for (vacation, school musical, dinner with friends, etc.)

  • Friday: Things about myself that I am thankful for (my kindness, sense of humor, work ethic, etc.)

Tom Klisiewicz